Paige & Brian. After planning weddings since 2010, we have moved past taking on as many day of coordination plans that our schedules would allow to plans that we have much more involvement and influence. (Between you and me those day of's can be so scary because we have no idea what we are walking into!) But a winter wedding is a different story. Our busy time is June - October so it's fun to open our books to couples like Paige and Brian that are getting married in the winter and just need that little extra help to make sure all of their hard work wedding planning comes to fruition. Natalie came in with her assistant to help execute the such an amazing day at the Lodge at Breckenridge!
The ceremony was held out in the crisp winter mountain air out on the deck at The Lodge at Breckenridge. Friends and Family cozied up on what luck would bring, a gorgeous February day. Paige started her day getting her glam on with the ladies of Weemala. For the ceremony, cocktail hour and reception, Petal and Bean provided the gorgeous blooms. So many delicious, rich colors. I'm going to let the photos from Hannah Laurie Photography do the talking because she really captured the day!
Paige and Brian, thank you for choosing us to be your Breckenridge Wedding Planners for your amazing winter wedding! We wish you the best!

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