Sam & Clay. Now this wedding gives alll the boho mountain wedding vibes and all the wedding feels. This was one of the last weddings Johnna planned and what a way to end a wedding planning career! This wedding was simply gorgeous. Thank you to Josie England Photography that captured the day and sharing these gorgeous photos!
Venue ~ Timber Ridge Lodge in Keystone, Colorado
Hair and Makeup ~ Divine Beauty Artists
Photography ~ Josie England Photography
Videographer ~ Bosha Videography
Florist ~ Bloom Flower Shop
Entertainment ~ Tin Brother; On Cue Entertainment
Rentals and Decor ~ Colorado Party Rentals; Have a Seat
#TimberRidgeWedding #TimberRidge #TimberRidgeLodgeWedding #TimberRidgeWeddingPlanner #TimberRidgeWeddingVendor #KeystoneWedding #KeystoneWeddingPlanner #KeystoneWeddingVenue #KeystoneWeddingVendor #KeystoneColoradoWedding #KeystoneColoradoWeddingPlanner #KeystoneSummerWedding #KeystoneSummerWeddingPlanner #ColoradoWedding #KeystoneColoradoWeddingVenue #ColoradoWeddingPlanner #ColoradoSummerWedding #ColoradoWeddingVendor #ColoradoFullServiceWeddingPlanner #KeystoneFullServiceWeddingPlanner #MountainWedding #MountainWeddingVenue #MountainWeddingPlanner #MountainWeddingVenue #FullServiceWeddingPlanner #MountainBohoWedding #KeystoneBohoWedding #ColoradoBohoWedding #BrideandGroom #BloomFlowerShop #OnCueEntertainment #JosieEnglandPhotography #DivineBeautyArtists #ColoradoPartyRentals #BoshaVideography #TinBrother #DistinctiveMountainEvents